Sunday, May 27, 2007

Days 99-100 Discharge from Psychiatry 2 East

In the week immediately prior to his discharge, Lee was not in a condition that would enable him to cope independently. He was "Certified" by Dr. Shore on Dec 15th, and by Dr. Okane again on Dec. 16. He was not considered competent enough, or trustworthy enough to even be given an “accompanied” day pass to go and inspect his new lodgings.

Lee's Journal Entry: Dec. 22, 1995

i just feel like laying in bed all day. i’m waiting for peter to figure out when we’re going to see the place. i don’t know if i’m going to take it or not. it looks like it won’t be till this afternoon when we go look at the place. i decided that if the place is nice i can live without a stove and fridge until i get something. i just need to get out of here. if the place is a dump, i won’t take it.

i plan on getting drunk today

i’m sick of waiting around here.

He was given a final assessment by Dr. Shore.

Psychiatric Note

Pt up and dressed eager for discharge. Irritable about discharge apartment not having a fridge and stove. Pt states mood is good- no suicidal ideation or intent.

A I dysthymia

alcohol abuse/ dependence

II PD narcissistic w borderline traits


P dischg to Dunsmuir House w supports: GP, WECCT, ACT, Meals on

Wheels, Homecare.


Pt is chronically disthymic w recurrent suicidal ideation exacerbated by alcohol abuse. Benefit from inpatient psychiatric hospitalization has been very minimal.

In the unfortunately likely event that pt becomes inebriated and through his consequent threatening behavior is brought to the ER he should be medically evaluated, detoxified, & discharged rather than admitted for an acute care stay which only aggravates versus alleviates the predicament ie. chronic unhappiness with chronic suicidal ideation & alcohol abuse.

Pt has been encouraged to join AA and attend Robson D&A

Rx R. Shore

All prior certifications were the canceled by Dr. Shore, Lee was given a taxi voucher to get him to Dunsmuir House, his personal effects and $8.50 were signed for, he was advised of his competency status & involvement of the Public Trustee, told he had an appointment with Dr. De Wet the next Thursday, was given the On Call Doctor’s # over the weekend. He was then allowed to leave. Lee was discharged at 1315hrs December 22, 1995.

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